The LMLPA works with Alabama Water Watch to actively monitor Logan Martin Lake and keep a close record of lake conditions.
LMLPA water monitors have been collecting data since 1996 and have submitted more data records to Alabama Water Watch than any group in the Coosa basin. Hats off to our monitors!
LMLPA plans to continue the good work, but needs more monitors…no science background needed. We are trained by Alabama Water Watch, based at Auburn University. Every year we lose a monitor or two, primarily because of changing health or work conditions. ​​​​
All locations are approximate. AWW numbered locations can be found on the AWW website https://aaes.auburn.edu/alabamawaterwatch/
What We Measure
pH: The pH is a measure of the level of acidity or alkalinity of water or another solution. The optimal pH range for aquatic life is 6.5 to 8.5 or 9.0. pH less than 4.0 or more than 11.0 is usually lethal to fish and other organisms.
Water Temperature: Temperature affects how much oxygen water can hold and how quickly nutrients will cycle through the aquatic system. Most aquatic organisms can tolerate gradual changes in temperature, but drastic changes can cause thermal stress. Temperatures above 32 °C may be lethal to many aquatic organisms. Some Antarctic fish die at temperatures above 4 °C.
Alkalinity: Alkalinity is a measure of the buffering capacity of water. Higher alkalinity in a body of water provides a “buffer” against changes in pH, making it more stable for aquatic life. Limestone is a natural source of alkalinity. The chemical name of limestone is calcium carbonate (CaCO3) or magnesium carbonate (MgCO3). Alkalinity values across Alabama range from 10 mg/L or less in parts of the Coastal Plain to 200 mg/L and more in regions with limestone formations and outcrops, such as in the Upper Coosa River Basin, the Black Belt and the Interior Plateau (Limestone County area).
Hardness: Hardness in water is primarily a measure of the amount of dissolved calcium and magnesium. Limestone is a natural source of hardness. Most fish and aquatic organisms live in waters with hardness between 15 and 200 mg/L. In waterbodies with hardness less than 15 mg/L or greater than 500 mg/L fish reproduction may be limited. Drinking water with hardness greater than 350 mg/L can be harmful to humans.
Dissolved Oxygen: Like land organisms, aquatic animals and plants need oxygen to live. Oxygen enters water in two ways: Physically, when air mixes with water; this is usually the primary source of dissolved oxygen in streams, and biologically, when aquatic plants release oxygen during photosynthesis; this is usually the primary source of dissolved oxygen in lakes and oceans.
Turbidity: Turbidity is a measurement of water cloudiness caused by suspended matter. High turbidity limits sunlight penetration in water, inhibits growth of aquatic plants, and can upset aquatic ecosystems. High clay turbidity is an indication of soil erosion which leads to sedimentation of streams, rivers, lakes and reservoirs. This is Alabama’s number one water pollution problem!
Water Clarity: In lakes, ponds and estuaries, the Secchi disk is used to measure water clarity. The Secchi disk is a 20-centimeter (8 inch) diameter disk with black and white quadrants and an attached line marked in pre-measured increments of meters and half-meters. Secchi disk depth is the distance (in meters) from the surface of the water to the greatest depth at which the disk is still visible.
PCB Cleanup Remediation of Choccolocco Creek
The Community Advisory Group continues its meetings every other month to receive updates from the EPA and Solutia regarding the PCB cleanup from the Solutia site in Anniston down through Choccolocco Creek. These meetings began in the early 2000’s to offer the public an opportunity to have input and ask questions about the site. Each unit of the site (the Solutia plant site, the residential and nonresidential properties, and the Choccolocco area) require a Consent Decree (CD) between EPA and Solutia. The CD for the plant site has been completed and the CD for the residential and nonresidential properties is nearing completion. The remedies for the Choccolocco area are under discussion. There is a proposed plan for OU-4 that is out for review and public comment.
The Site remedies will be reviewed every 5 years to make sure that they are working as expected.​